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Giclée prints of your own

Giclée prints of your own

At we take pride in producing the highest quality prints of the art masterpieces that you have chosen. We use the latest printing technology to produce archival-quality canvas prints that will give pleasure on your wall for a long time to come.

At we take pride in producing the highest quality prints of the art masterpieces that you have chosen. We use the latest printing technology to produce archival-quality canvas prints that will give pleasure on your wall for a long time to come.

Giclée? makes it possible for you to own your favorite painting masterpiece, as a canvas print made professionally by us with stunning finish and long-lasting result.

The canvas print is made by high-quality printing of image onto canvas, instead of paper. The innovative printing technology, in use widely for the last 10 years or so, is called giclée (pronounced “gee-clay")

The process involves professionally reproducing computer digital images of art masterpieces, held in museums around the world, by inkjet printing them onto archival-quality canvas, just for your own wall at home or office.

The French word giclée refers to a print made by the process of gicler meaning “to squirt, spurt, or spray". The word was originally coined by printmaker Jack Duganne in 1981.

Giclée printing is similar to inkjet or bubble jet technology, used by common desk-top printers that are widely used at home or at the office. In the process, liquid ink is fired through specially-designed print heads. The giclée printer makes use of more sophisticated technology on top of that to do its outstanding job.

The state-of-the-art Roland giclée printing machine at makes stunning archival prints, with high color fidelity that is especially suited to bright indoor lighting, such as direct lighting found in galleries or offices.

Printing to last

The printer uses eco-solvent, anti-ultra-violet ink to print on 450GSM, 100 per cent cotton canvas (not polyester) to achieve a professional semi-matt and waterproof finish that can last a human life-time.

Our Roland giclée printer efficiently sprays millions of drops of 12-colour pigmented archival ink per second onto our treated canvas to achieve reproductions of stunning clarity, vibrancy and texture, very close to real art work.

Pigment printing processes have been used since the middle of the 19th century after it was found that the image stability of ink containing pigments is superior to that of any other method of printing, even including traditional silver-halide or metal-based ones.

The current revolution in digital inkjet printing has also required pigmented inks to be refined to be more compatible with the latest in high-resolution inkjet printing technology.

Archival dye-based inks have been found to be inferior to pigment inks, which last longer. A dye is molecularly-soluble but pigment particles are not. These particles can be embedded into the receiving substrate, the prepared surface of the canvas for instance, making those pigments more water-resistant.

Our fine prints are crafted by professionals who understand color, printer calibration and International Color Consortium (ICC) profiling, and the resulting prints speak for themselves. The marvelous accuracy of the reproductions needs to be seen to be believed.

New ink technology for inkjet printers is ensuring better color fidelity and archival life, that can of course be helped by keeping your precious prints away from moisture and strong sunlight, to avoid risks of yellowing and fading.

Your treasured prints

Your fine prints certainly will not last as long as the original Mona Lisa or other masterpieces in the Louvre, but they can provide you with a lot of pleasure for long years to come.

As they are more affordable and of high quality, giclée prints are now commonly available in Europe, US and the UK.

Giclée prints, that now can rival the quality of traditional silver halide and gelatin photographic prints, can be found collected in many museums such as the Metropolitan Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Chelsea Galleries in New York.

Recent auctions of giclée prints, for example, have fetched $10,800 for Annie Leibovitz, $9,600 for Chuck Close, and $22,800 for Wolfgang Tillmans.

Your prints from can be made in a large range of sizes and also with options of having artistic brush-stroke finish, or conveniently aged to resemble more the original masterpieces.

See also the section on our big selection of picture frames that will help you display your fine prints in the best possible way.

Masterpieces for your home : Mona Lisa

In this magnificent photo, you can see how your Mona Lisa will look, on the wall by your bedside. You can also see how a picture frame that you can choose from our good selection can help display and protect your fine print.

Loenardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, painted in 1503-6, is world-famous because, to many people, it speaks directly to them. Viewers are fond of the somehow pleasing face and demeanor of the mysterious woman, thought to be Lisa Gherardini, who is just posing in front of a wonderful Italian country side from centuries in the past.

The painting was obviously the favorite of the master painter-inventor-architect Leonardo as well as he carried the small painting with him in all his travels in Italy and France for 25 years.

Imagine the priceless painting being wrapped up and carried about on horseback, and whatever other forms of transport.

There has also been centuries of debate and questions about the woman's enigmatic smile. She is lost in thought and smiling, at what?

Masterpieces for your home : Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani


As we are pondering the mystery of the Mona Lisa smile, with actually not much hope of finding an explanation about it, this portrait of the lady with an ermine does not give too much away either. Also painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1489-90, this mistress of Lodovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, was a poet and an intellectual.

Again master Leonardo enjoyed posing questions to later generations of viewers about the painting. There is clear glimpse of the intelligence of the woman in what has been called the first psychological portrait. But what is she thinking of and why is she cradling an ermine?


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